Create a deb for bash 5.2.32

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Last updated: 9/1/2024

This post is to note one method for create a DEB file for the most recent version of BASH. A lot of the distros DO NOT ALWAYS create deb files for the most recent versions of a project. I am sure they have a a list of checklists like, testing it; poking and prodding,

But it got me to begin to wonder what it would take to turn the end product of something (say BASH) into a DEB file that I could use if I wanted to on my own environment.

There should be a slew of disclaimers for this. First – this my attempt. I have no idea how successful I have been – and if ultimately I am not going to pay a price of some kind because I forgot to test for … <fill in the blank>. I have placed a series of tiles out in a GitHUB repository. I even had to make some additional changes to the script to make that workable.

Note: This requires that you have previously compiled the new version of bash. The makefile essentialls gathers the output from the installed environment and constructs a DEB file from this. Instructions for this else were on this site: (See programming [menu])

#  git clone

Change directories

cd create-bash-deb



Additional Notes:

I did learn more than a few things from this. I don’t think I had previously paid that much attention to /etc/shells. And I did not know there was a command called “add-shells: Also please note that this version does not have a “removeinst” file. So there are a few things that get added that when you remove BASH stay. (I can think of /bin/rbash for one) I know this and accept this.

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